Thinking on research impact, meta research, and whatever else is on my mind.


Welcome to the new Testing Hypotheses

Over the last few years I have been blogging, somewhat infrequently, about research policy at a site. I have also been reasonably active on twitter, and experimented with writing about other topics on Posterous.

I have now decided to set up this new site with a commitment to more regular posting. The old Testing Hypotheses will no longer be updated, and this site will contain material on research policy. At some point I will also import the old material onto this site. Here I will also write about other things that I find interesting or remarkable. The categories and tags should allow you to filter out anything you don’t want to read.

I have a few other embryonic ideas for the site, but the focus for the moment is just to post regularly and take it from there. If you want to keep up with what I post here then follow me on twitter (@stevenhill) or subscribe (via]( or using the email button on the right). And, of course, I would be interested in any comments.