Once again only getting round to this after two weeks – maybe I should retitle as a 'fortnightly' update! Anyway, over the last two weeks I have:
- Worked on the forward plan for my team
- Heard about the work of the HE International Unit
- Caught up Jisc colleagues, specifically on their work to support institutional repositories
- Discussed the subtleties of HEFCE's funding allocation mechanism with BIS colleagues
- Attended the Science and Innovation Conference
- Taken part in a fascinating workshopon Oxford University's project on research data management
- Attended my first meeting of the Open Access Implementation Group. We talked about embargo periods, open access monograph publishing and the future of the group.
- Represented HEFCE at the management group for the National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement
- Talked to colleagues at the British Library about their interactions with the Higher Education Sector
- Met the Chief Executive of UKRIO
- Caught up with some of my previous colleagues at Research Councils UK