Today I attended an interesting meeting, organised by the Repository Support Project, on implementing open access policies. I did some tweeting, so search for the hashtag, #RSPevent. But I also thought I would summarise some of the things I learned here as well.
There were some details for the RCUK policy review in 2014. The data collection for the review has been specified. I don't think this has been published yet, but the slides from the event will contain the details. Data collection will be up to July 2014, so presumably the review will take place in the second half of the year, and I expect it will be published right at the end of 2014.
In the margins of the meeting I heard about a fascinating project being run at the Open University. The Connecting Repositories (CORE) project is providing a single interface to a whole slew of open access repositories, and is providing semantic analysis services based on the full text content. Definitely worth a look if you haven't before.
There are also two JISC projects, RIOxx and V4OA which will be important parts of the evolving landscape for open access repositories.
I also learned some new (to me) information about the European scene. Most notable was the mandate of the European Research Council, which specifies a minimum six month embargo period for publications in all disciplines. The policy applies to monographs as well as journal articles and also includes research data. Finally, there is the OpenAire project, which is worth keeping an eye on.
The presentations from the meeting will be online in due course.